About the artist

My name is Kris Olson. I've  studied and practiced art on my own for as long as I can remember picking up a diverse artistic skillset including the practice of realism, scientific illustration, and traditional illustration in a variety of mediums. I've always been fascinated with the natural world: seeing the odd shapes and textures of bones, the beautiful colors of birds, and all the strange aspects of nature that still enthrall me to this day. I  attended the University of New England where I studied painting, scientific illustration, mapping, and environmental science. I graduated with a BS in Environmental Science and two minors in GIS (Geographic Information Sciences) and Climate Change Studies. My education has helped guide me toward what I create now with a largely naturalistic subject matter. After graduation from University in 2019 I began to study and work with other accomplished artists in small classes and mentorships. I continue to refine and develop my skillset through my own studies of technique, form, and color. My body of work largely explores both the grotesque and beautiful aspects of nature and biology with a focus on draftsmanship and detail through sometimes seemingly grotesque subject matter. My true passion is in figure, although it is a field I'm just now beginning to experiment with, more to come when I feel confident in what I can produce.... I currently reside in Boston, MA and attend the Academy of Realist Art, Boston where I practice an academic approach to drawing and painting.

Contact Me.

Reach out to me to inquire about a piece, commission artwork, or just say hi.


Find me on Instagram:



Reach me on Discord: KrisOlsonArt#8881